Time: June 7, 2013 from 6:30pm to 9:30pm
Location: Samurai Startup Island
Street: T Building 2F, 2-28.Higashishinagawa 2-chome
City/Town: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Website or Map: http://samurai-startupisland.…
Event Type: b4b, fundraiser
Organized By: Gary Bremermann
Latest Activity: May 17, 2013
You're cordially invited to join us for a very special Beers for Books celebrating the spirit of entrepreneurship at Samurai Startup Island, a co-working space for startups on Tennozu Isle.
Room to Read, the NPO we support via B4B, shares many common features with entrepreneurial for-profit businesses in terms of scaling quickly, applying best practices, measuring critical elements of their operations so they can do more of what works and less of what doesn't etc.
This event will take place inside the co-working space which is outfitted with a nice bar that will be fully stocked with "one coin" craft beers from local brewer T.Y. Harbor Brewery and other refreshments.
For those of you new to Beers for Books, the concept is simple: For every drink you have 100 yen will be donated to Room to Read and that buys a treasured book for children via Room to Read.
Room to Read is an amazing NPO whose mission is to provide quality educational opportunities to children in developing countries with the goal of empowering kids via literacy. Room to Read has projects in 10 countries in Asia and Africa including Nepal, Cambodia, Zambia, etc. For more details see www.roomtoread.org or in Japanese www.roomtoread.jp.
In addition to the drinks resulting in a 100 yen donation, we'll also be having a fun raffle drawing around 9PM for some cool prizes.
For more information and to RSVP, please see the Facebook page here:
This event is open to everyone, so please feel free to share this information with friends. Come on out for a relaxed evening for a great cause!
B4B のスペシャルイベントを天王洲アイルのサムライスタートアップアイランドで開催します。サムライスタートアップアイランドは、現代を変えようという侍たち=起業家たちのコ・ワーキングスペースです。
Beers For Books イベントのコンセプトは簡単です。お立ちよりいただき、飲み物を頼んでいただくだけで(普段と料金は変わりません)お店から100 円(=本一冊分)が寄付される仕組みです。寄付金は、発展途上国の現地語で書かれた本の制作および購入にあてられます。
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