Time: September 5, 2013 from 7pm to 10pm
Location: Suji's Tokyo
Street: 3-1-5 Azabudai
City/Town: Tokyo
Website or Map: http://www.sujis.net/sub24_3.…
Phone: 03-3505-4490
Event Type: b4b, fundraiser
Organized By: Rochelle Kopp & Japan Intercultural Consulting
Latest Activity: Sep 5, 2013
Please join us on Thursday, September 5th for a very special Beers for Books event organized by Rochelle Kopp and Japan Intercultural Consulting in support of Room to Read at Suji's, a stylish New York-style venue in Azabudai.
Japan Intercultural Consulting is an international training and consulting firm focused on Japanese business and this event welcomes all members of the international business community in Tokyo, Japanese and non-Japanese alike, to gather for a relaxed evening of cocktails and conversation for a great cause.
For those of you new to Beers for Books, the concept is simple: For every drink you have,100 yen will be donated to Room to Read and that buys a treasured high-quality local language book for children. We'll also be featuring a fun raffle to fund additional books for kids.
Room to Read is an amazing NPO whose mission is to provide quality educational opportunities to children in developing countries with the goal of empowering kids via literacy and gender equality in education. Room to Read has projects in 10 countries in Asia and Africa including Nepal, Cambodia, Zambia, etc. For more details see www.roomtoread.org or in Japanese www.roomtoread.jp.
This is an open event, so please feel free to pass the word along to others. There is no charge to attend with food/drink pay as you go. Come on by after work on Thursday, June 14th and have fun for a great cause!
9月10日(木)にジャパン・インターカルチュラル・コンサルティング社(社長:ロッシェル・カップ氏)が主催し、NPO法人ルーム・トゥ・リード(Room to Read)をサポートするスペシャルチャリティーイベントBeers for Booksを開催致します。会場は、麻布台にあるSuji’sというニューヨークスタイルのスタイリッシュなレストラン&バーです。
初めてご参加の皆様、Beers for Booksのコンセプトは至ってシンプルです。
あなたが一杯飲むたびに、NPO法人ルーム・トゥ・リード(Room to Read)に100円寄付され、それが現地語の教科書や本となって発展途上国の子供届けられるのです。また、より多くの書籍を子供達に提供できるよう、楽しいくじ引きもご用意しております。
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