Time: July 11, 2015 from 7pm to 10pm
Location: Bondolfi Boncafe @ Tenoha in Daikanyama
Street: 20-23 Daikanyamacho
City/Town: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Website or Map: http://tenoha.jp/
Phone: 03-3464-3720
Event Type: fundraiser, b4b
Organized By: Gary Bremermann
Latest Activity: Jul 24, 2016
Way back in 2009 Beers for Books was launched in Tokyo as a simple and fun way to raise money for the important work of Room to Read and to help introduce the organization to as many people as possible. It was also designed so that anybody could organize an event anywhere.
Since that big party at Sam & Dave's in Akasaka, the idea has spread around the world and events have been held in 17 countries on 4 continents. What a fun adventure it has been!
We'll be gathering on Saturday, July 11th at a beautiful indoor/outdoor venue at Bondolfi Boncafe in Tenoha Daikanyama to celebrate the 6th anniversary of "B4B" and everyone is welcome. We'll also be marking a new milestone--the 250,000th book funded by B4B events!
As with all B4B events, for every drink you have Bondilfi Boncafe will kindly donate 100 yen to Room to Read's book publishing program and that will fund one book for kids in places where they are most needed. We'll also have a raffle for some fun prizes.
Room to Read is an amazing NPO whose mission is to provide quality educational opportunities to children in developing countries with the goal of empowering kids via literacy and gender equality in education. Room to Read has projects in 10 countries in Asia and Africa including Nepal, Cambodia, Zambia, etc. For more details see www.roomtoread.org or in Japanese www.roomtoread.jp.
This event is open to everyone, so please feel free to share this information with friends. Come on out for a fun & relaxed evening for a great cause!
Beers for Booksは、1人でも多くの方にRoom to Readのかけがいのない活動を知って頂くための、シンプルで楽しいイベントとして、2008年に東京でスタートしました。誰でも、どこでも、イベントを主催できるようにと 考えられたものです。
今回は7月11日(土)、代官山Tenohaの屋内・屋外とも楽しめるとても素敵なカフェ、Bondolfi Boncafe にてBeers for Books の6周年のお祝いをします。どなたでもご参加頂けます。そしてそのイベントで、Beers for Books による本の寄付が、新たな節目となる25万冊目となる予定です。
すべてのBeers for Booksと同じく、皆様がドリンク1杯オーダーして頂くたびに、 Bondilfi Boncafe 様が100円をRoom to Readの現地語出版プログラムに寄付してくださいます。その100円で本が1冊、現在最も必要している地域の子ども達に贈られます。また、楽しい賞品が当たる抽選会も行います。
Room to Readは良質な教育の機会を発展途上国の子ども達に提供する、素晴らしいNPOです。リテラシーと男女平等の教育の機会によって、子ども達が自立できるようになることをミッションのひとつとしています。 現在、ネパール、カンボジア、ザンビアなど、アジアとアフリカの10カ国で活動しています。詳しくはRoom to Readホームページ www.roomtoread.jp.をご覧ください。
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