Time: April 10, 2011 from 6pm to 10pm
Location: Lounge Opera
Street: 1-6-1 Roppongi, Izumi Garden 5F
City/Town: Tokyo
Website or Map: http://www.operatokyo.jp/
Phone: 03-5575-8055
Event Type: b4b, fundraiser, japan
Organized By: Beers for Books
Latest Activity: Apr 4, 2011
Please plan to join us for a very special B4B event to benefit children in Tohoku affected by the disaster.
The evening was originally planned to be a celebration of the 2 year anniversary of Beers for Books with Room to Read founder John Wood, but now is not the time to celebrate considering the devastation in Tohoku and the huge number of those affected, including small children.
We will use the date instead to focus on relief for children affected by the earthquake and aim to bring some positive light, enjoyment and hope to them in these trying times.
Right now, the most urgent things needed are the basics for survival but we anticipate that supply chains for these essentials will be set up by mid-April and the focus will turn to things such as support for the children in shelters who need to be occupied, stimulated and to have some fun.
We will focus on providing books, toys, games, and other activity items that kids can enjoy. Those who lost their homes also lost all their books and toys too. We can only imagine how hard that is on them.
Kokkyo Naki Kodomotachi www.knk.or.jp has agreed to distribute the goods to the shelters where they are most needed and we'll be working between now and the event day to assess the needs (including kids' "wish lists"). We will post more information here http://roomtoreadjapan.org/2011/03/b4b-2nd-anniversary.html as the event approaches.
Here is how we will raise money/goods:
1. We urge you to bring along one or more NEW books and/or toys. We will collect these and they will be picked up for distribution the following day.
2. We will sell raffle tickets for prizes. We will have a "suggested donation" of 1000 yen at the entrance where you will get 3 raffle tickets. You can buy as many tickets as you'd like. One ticket for 500 yen, 3 for 1000.
3. Opera Lounge will be donating "B4B Style". As of now drinks are 500 yen and 100 yen will go to the kids, but we're working on drink sponsors now so we can increase the amount donated per drink.
The money will be used to purchase additional new goods for the kids and to pay for logistics of getting goods there.
Please save the date, tell your friends, and we look forward to seeing you on April 10th!
来る4月10日は東日本大震災で被災した東北地方の子供たちを支援するための特別なBeers for Booksにぜひご参加ください。
当初このB4BはRoom to Read創始者ジョン・ウッドを迎え、Beers for Books二周年を祝う会として企画されましたが、東北地方の今もなお続く惨状と小さな子供たちを含む多くの被災者のみなさんのご心情などを考慮して趣旨を再検討いたしました。代わりにこの場を被災した子供たちへの援助の機会とし、この困難の時に前向きな光、喜び、希望を提供する場にしたいと考えています。
今回NGO『国境なき子供たち』(www.knk.or.jp)にご協力いただき、これからイベントまで、子供たちの"ウイッシュリスト”(欲しいものリスト)を含めて何が必要かを調査し、必要されているものを必要としている避難所に届けるお手伝いをしていただけることになりました。新しい情報が入り次第こちら http://roomtoreadjapan.org/2011/03/b4b-2nd-anniversary.html でお知らせいたします。
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